Sunday, September 30, 2012

A pain in your stomach

Getting diagnosed with stomach ache or gastroenteritis is always expensive and really annoying. Can you imagine have to past through this several times in your life without knowing the reason? Or that your doctor can’t see what the real problem is? Could you even think of being allergic to certain food?

Something that is really unknown for us is the diseases produced by a malfunction of our own body.

Celiacs are the ones who can’t stand gluten in their diet. Nowadays, medicine has worked on trying to figure out earlier if you were born with this painful disease. As Lactose intolerance, everything starts with uncontrollable abdominal pain, plus indigestion and dehydration that can turns to anemia in mostly all the cases. The body just can’t get the nutrients from the food that you eat and it stays in your intestine causing problems, in the case of dairy intolerance this happens because you don’t produce an enzyme that breaks the lactase structure (lactase is the type of sugar that the milk has) which makes everything that contains milk hurts you from the inside.

The consequences of not taking care of your diet if you are celiac or lactose intolerant can be mortal, because your body keeps too much sugar inside without being processed which can turns out to cause cancer.

Here in Chile, about four years ago, a research showed that 50% of the population has lactose intolerance and probably 90% of the humanity will experiment it.

Will you ask your doctor if you are allergic to food?

(chilean source:


  1. This is a very interesting topic, but somehow you need to twist it to and make the links with technology. I would say that it is not only a matter of Chileans being lactose intolerant, it is a world´s population problem. Any remedies technology has been able to put forward to address this malady?

    1. Well, there is a pill which makes you able to drink/eat lactose, but you need to take it 20 minutes before the meal and its effect last 20 minutes also.

      Sadly, medice hasn't payed attention to food allegies as it should. Most of all the diseases developed by our body are consecuence almost all the time for a lack of knowledge ourselves.

      I read lots of complains in forums. Not because of the condition itself, but because of the doctors that weren't aware of this problem on time and the patients had to suffer all the consequences.

      I think medicine and ofcourse, science, need to keep on studying them. And don't take for granted that just some of us have it. Per now, we can just stop eating what make us feel pain.

  2. When I was at School a teacher told me that human beings are not supposed to drink cow's milk since we are not able to process it properly. Years later, my mother tried an illness with an iridiologist, who prohibited her dairy milk and prescribed her almond's milk because that is a better source of calcium and do not provoke side effects.
    I read a study that exposed that less than 40% of people in the world retain the ability to digest lactose after childhood; this inability might cause thyroid disorders, diabetes, flu, and alergies. I also found out that drinking cow's milk do not prevent bone's problems, which is the main reason why we incorporate it to our diet.
    At the end, drinking soy or almond milk is safer than drinking dairy milk. At least nobody has said that these are dangerous!


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