Saturday, September 1, 2012

DVD players are too mainstream

 Not only the DVD player has demonstrated being a very useful device for your home, but also it has meant something bad for some people. Why? Well, I can list a couple of reasons why it is a good thing first. The first one is because having a DVD player in your house means you not going to the cinema every time a movie you want to watch is on the program. You just buy a movie and play it at home. That delivers us to my second reason, which is the opportunity to spend a nice time watching Into the Wild or The Raven(yes, I like those) with relatives or just someone you know; In other words, it brings cheap and comfort, qualities that are required for almost everything you buy nowadays.

But, going to the “bad” things a DVD player brings, the piracy factor comes up. If you meant having an evening with people you had around for dinner when you bought a DVD, that’s fine, but in order to make it cheaper than going to the cinema, you’ve got to buy a cheap DVD; that is, a copy of the original disc: piracy. Piracy is considered a crime because artists make not the expected profit and their work does not receive its “deserved” income, and even without mentioning that some copies have been recorded roughly with a video camera, which lowers considerably the quality of the video. So, think twice when of DVD’s is about.

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