Thursday, September 27, 2012

Is religion losing power against technology?

Since the beginning of time the man has try to answer one of the biggest questions of all “Who created us?” Religion was the answer in which humanity had relied on for centuries, and for some people it still is. But, with the advances on technology and science, Religion seems to be losing power.

We perceive the world through our senses which allow us to create our own understanding of reality. With technology and the new devices we can increase the power of our senses; a microscope for example, helps us to see small particles that are not observable for the ordinary eye (this is sand under the microscope), or the assistive listening devices which improve our hearing. Along with the new perspectives of the world, a bunch of new theories about the creation of the universe have appeared and religion is every time less and less popular among people and even its foundations are at risk with the advance of technology. It appears that technology and science are the new religion, a religion that can be proved, but also that is subject to change.

I’m not part of any of the well-known religions and I’m not a big fan of science either, so this dispute for power does not affect me directly, but I want to ask you  who do you think is going to win? And in which way our society would change if technology displaces religion?

If you like you can watch this very interesting video about the same topic! 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting topic, Daniel! I think that technology is the main character in our society nowadays. As you said, it shows us all the things that surround us, even in the most minimum expression; however, there is still a big part of the population that does not want to take into account the important role that technology and pretty much every scientific advance is playing in our lives. Even though religion is something that we can hold on to, it is something that doesn't change, and people are afraid of changes, and this is what technology and science give us. Technology and religion are two forces that will always fight against each other, but I think that none of them have to win because this is not a competition; people are the ones that turn everything into a competition. But since you asked, I would say that technology would win because it is in constant contact and relation with our needs and reality, and it doesn't necessarily involve beliefs; anyone can enjoy what technology give us.


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