Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bach Flowers: Self-healing

Do you believe in alternative medicine? If you don’t, just wait to read this personal confession.

Two years ago, I had to face one of the hardest moments in my life –I’m not going to provide the details, because I do not consider it appropriate— so, I was encouraged by my friend, Fernanda, to try alternative medicine in order to deal with the depression I was going through. From this situation, I was introduced to the world of Bach Flowers.

Basically, Bach Flowers are dilutions of flower material, which were developed by an English bacteriologist, Edward Bach, intended for emotional and spiritual purposes. It is said that Bach classified 38 flowers from which he extracted 38 different essences. These essences are supposed to contain the vibration or energy of the flower which can be transmitted to the person who tastes it, leading to self-healing.

In my case, after an interview with a practitioner of this field, I was given an antidote made of 5 different essences and I was told to take five droplets each day for a month. At the very beginning, I hadn’t noticed any change –honestly—but then, when the time passed by, I felt somehow different, but I’m unable to explain those feelings with words. I just simply recovered the energy I used to have, I didn’t feel hurt anymore and finally I was in peace with myself.

What do you think of my experience? Would you try this kind of alternative medicine? 


  1. My mom is psychologist and she is fond of the alterntative medicine to complement her therapies and sometimes she has used me to try these kind of therapies. the first one was with bach flowers and i agree with you, the effect are really positive, at the beginning i was skeptical about it, but they are really good. i totally recomend to give them a chance.

  2. I'm considering to give a try to this treatment, since taking pills not always brings positive effects -due to the risk of falling into addiction,etc-.
    I think is funny,in a way,how humankind has "evolve", from the natural world, to the technological, and now again to the natural one (yes, it's a circle), so what do you think about that? Finally we have prove that we don't have to go further, because some answers are near that we thought.


    1. I think that we, as human beings, are becoming more and more conscious about the power of nature in all senses. It’s true that the human mind has been able to develop and create almost everything, but at the same time, this kind of alternative medicine demonstrates us that we can’t underestimate nature.

      I also like the discovering of these new ways of medical treatments, because they offer a different process of healing, which is very interesting to experience.

  3. I had heard about this treatment with bach flowers because of a friend, and as far as I know it is magnificent. Actually, I'm also conidering to try it!
    It is a well known truth that regular drugs cause side effects and addiction; that is why alternative medicine is such a good idea for those who don't trust in them. At least, I prefer drinking herbal tea to cure a headache than taking pills :)

  4. I totally believe in alternative medicine! And actually I have a friend who's mother is a practitioner of that field. They are always talking about how good they are, and I trust them, because my friend was also going through a very bad situation a few years ago, but his mom, after making him some questions, gave him a mixture according with what he felt, and he surely recovered! He's now one of the best students in his program and he's among the most intelligent people I know. And I'm glad the Bach flowers had also helped you!

  5. To be honest, this is the first time I read about the bach flowers. I have always heard people talk about them and I'm certaintly really amazed.

    I'm mostly keen on traditional medicine and sometimes the use of herbal tea, because I live with my grandma and that's how she grew up.

    I found it fascinating how nature is still alive in our self. To the point that it can re-connects with us and gives us a hand when we can't find an answer. Maybe medicine should take in account this aspect of the human dimension when science is not enough to find a cure.

    I definetly going to try bach flowers. Thanks for the information.


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