Sunday, September 16, 2012

Marijuana’s legalization: an endless fight

For several years, it has existed a constantly struggle about cannabis’s legalization. Nowadays, there isn’t any country where pot is 100% legal although some states allow people to consume and to cultivate marijuana for personal consumption. Despite the moral consequences that the completely legalization of this drug could bring to any existing society, the medical benefits and the cultural power that marijuana has is even stronger.
The main reason that cannabis users give in order to legalize marijuana, it is because the existence of numerous studies where have proven medical benefits in THC, the main component of this drug. It is also very important to think about the culture behind marijuana. Being a very harmless substance, much less than tobacco and alcohol, marijuana has a peace message. As the leading effect is to slow down almost every muscle of your body, the main consumers of this drug are commonly very peaceful.
It was very strange that looking for reasons against legalizing marijuana, I could only find moral motivations for not allowing the free consume of this drug. There are not scientific facts to assert that marijuana is a bad drug and a harmful one. I believe for that reason it has been so controversial and difficult to reach an agreement about if we have to legalize it or not. And what do you think about this?


  1. I agree with you, the main reasons for not legalizing marijuana are purely moral. There are several studies that prove that weed helps and prevents several diseases, as well as it mitigates the chronic patient's pain. Unfortunately, even for those who actually need pot is really hard to get it not being penalized for it.
    I strongly believe that it has more advantages than disadvantages and the fact of make it illegal do not prevent the use of the drug; in fact, it creates a magic aura around it and most of young people feel attracted to prove it. I think that Governments should use the money to let people know the consequences of this drug, not to prohibit it.

  2. I have read some articles for different sources, pointed out the pros an cons of using marijuana.

    I think the main problem with the legalization of marijuana is the impact in society, in terms of rehab, some secondary effects (undesired) etc. If you think about it, for any cons, the state has to be responsible for it, it will have to invest on it, and honestly there are not willing to do it.

    I consider it will be great if marijuana is legalize because the prices, the gangs in charge of the sell, and drug dealer will fall. And as a consequence, crime and delinquency.

  3. when I read about this, my mind start to formulate lots of questions: for example, if tobacco produces more cancer and some other dangerous deseases, why is legel to produce it and sell it? or, if alcoholic drinks provoke alcoholism, horrible car accidents -among other disasters- and sometimes destroys families, why is it legal to produce it an sell it? and it is even advertised on TV! what about pills that provoke adiction? well... but I hope being wrong, but sometimes I think there is a reason. can somebody else answer my questions?

  4. well, it's pretty obvious that the reasons have economical roots, but you shouldn't forget the high taxes those products have, in order to discourage the usage.
    The thing with marijuana is that still is a tabu, and is close related to harder drugs, as some people think.


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