Monday, August 27, 2012

Sharing For A Living

Some years ago, a friend of mine told me to sign into Facebook. At that time, the only place where I would write my ideas, feelings, and what was going on my life, was my diary. She was so persistent that I decided to find out what was all about Facebook. I didn't find anything interesting in it, so I didn't do as my friend told me to. I remember she was very disappointed that I didn't create an account; she even told me that I would never going to be popular.

Now, after 5 years or more, I have fallen into the social network's world, and even though they are a great tool to communicate with people in a cheaper way, I still do not understand how people become so addicted to it. Although social networks are really entertaining and helpful to comunicate, I think it is dangerous for our own life. 

Being addicted to Facebook or Twitter, the two most used social networks nowadays, can effect your academic performance. Updating your Facebook status or scrolling down on Twitter every 5 seconds, can really affect your concentration on more important issues, like our studies, and our English homework. People spend more time on the internet and on these social networks than they could really imagine.
Let's picture this:
You wake up at 06.00, and check your e.mail, maybe the news, and of course, Facebook. Even if there is no one online at 6.00 in the morning, you stare at the chat, and check it every time you can. Then, you go to work, university or school; you check Facebook on the phone, and you keep doing that every hour of the day. 

Social Network Addiction is a serious problem, and it can also affect the way you perceive reality. Being in a virtual world almost the entire day, can really make you feel that you are still in the virtual world; therefore, you don't even know in what reality you are in. Your self-steem also depends on what status or comment do you read, what photo you were tagged in...
It is not possible that our lives depend on Facebook's updates. 
So I wonder: what can we do, then, to realize that we can become addicts before it gets worse? 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your entry and I totally agree with you.
    For me, at least, it has been pretty much like you described it. It's like I can't help myself. Although lately I've tried to stay out of facebook, the addiction keeps sucking me in. And it does not stop with facebook! Now we have twitter, tumblr and even youtube. They keep creating this new instances of communication but in reality we don't even notice we are forgetting what's important. COMMUNICATION. We forget how to talk to people, we become procrastinators and, what is worse, we start to care about banal things.
    I really do hope that I don't become addicted to blogging though.

  2. hahahahahahahaha Funny comment Roxana! I also hope no to become addicted to this! I agree with you, because we dare to comment other's status, to talk through the chat, we say things that we wouldn't say face to face.
    What Loreto said it's so true. I really started like you: I didn't want to create an account, I was persuaded to do it; however, in time, I checked it everyday. There was a moment in which I was all day in it. I realized that I was completely inside of this virtual world when I didn't do anything else, and when I perceive that the first thing I did was checking it... I thought to stop doing it, because it's addictive and time-consuming. It's true that these social networks are entertaining, interesting, and everybody communicates through them, but we have to make sure that our life doesn't depend on it; life doen't hinge on internet and computers! We have to know that there are many thing we can enjoy and have fun too!


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