Monday, August 27, 2012

The television and its constantly evolution.

The evolution of this device has been huge. During many years, it has been present in most of our homes. Before it was something that only wealth people could get, but now it is very common see it in almost every, and why don't say in every, house around the world. I'm talking about the television.
The television has suffered a lot of changes through the years. In first ones, the images were in black & white, and they were giants, but now we can find not only a device to watch programs, news, and entertainment TV shows, but also almost a computer. The last technology about television is amazing. You can watch movies online, you can enter and go through the internet at the same time you are watching your favorite show.
Besides that the size and the image’s color have changed, the technology has gone even beyond that we can imagine. We all know that years ago we can only watch one or two TV shows, and it was almost impossible to get informed about international news. Nowadays, you can watch and be informed about every event around the world, and even more important, in the same minute that is happening.
But thinking about the great benefits and good consequences that television has brought to our lives, it has another side were many people are against about the main function of this device has, and that is about the information that you can obtain from television and the time that all of us spent in front of television. Many people can tell and think that the children who watch so much television are influence by the content of different programs, and that they spent more time watching TV than playing outside.
We can agree or disagree with that opinion, but I think the most important is to know and be clear what the best is for you and your family and what is not. But one thing is clear and we can’t deny it, television is part of our lives; we are evolving at the same time; television is adapting us every minute during the years.

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