Monday, August 27, 2012


Without it we are nothing.

   A surface capable of reflecting sufficient undiffused light to form an image of an object placed in front of it”.This is a traditional definition of what we all may know about mirrors, but have you ever thought beyond  the real importance this object represent in our lives? The mirror is one of those inventions that has ingrained in most of societies around the globe.
 This invaluable object, at the beginning, was replaced by water, in which our ancestors reflected their faces and bodies in order to see themselves;because the idea of trying to appreciate our own appearance begun thousands of years ago. This is surprisingly early, but true. Unfortunately, we don’t pay attention to how useful a mirror can be,nevertheless there are some reasons why do we need it and use it.
Nowadays, every person tries to reflect through her or his body a stylish and sophisticated appearance when looking a mirror, and then showing it to the world. In this case, vanity is the main reason why we like it and need it all the time.Besides, to be in front of a mirror, observing the way we are is a superficial aspect no one can reject about, but it is an issue we are all involved in. Maybe, prejudges make us feel we need to be a beautiful or handsome person to fit in society. Other people, even the closest friends or relatives we have can describe us very well, although there is only a piece of work that does this job extraordinarily: The Mirror!
Definitely, without looking ourselves it would be impossible to recognize us. What else than a mirror could describe perfect and exactly what we are, physically, to the rest of the world? Nothing else but an incredible mirror we look at more than once per day. All of us want to be acknowledged but, how can we do it if a mirror would not tell us who we really are?



1 comment:

  1. You reminded me of the story of Narcissus and his sister...

    Wow, a mirror; I couldn't come up with this. This is really underrated and so it is important. Have you wondered what color is a mirror? funny thing, but I saw a video on 9gag that is really interesting about mirrors.


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