Friday, September 28, 2012

Are cyborgs among us?

This presentation will give you a closer look at this new kind of technology.
Daniel Ahumada and I talk about Smart which is a tool used for medical porpuses, and to be specific, optical surgery.
Smart is a rather new invention and for this reason, with little media coverage.
In the last part of our video we resent some questions for you to answer.
We hope you like our brief video :)

Daniel Ahumada & Roxana Bueno


  1. I think how precise a doctor can be at a surgery would be determined by the improvement of a mechanic part of the body. Machines are more precise and undoubtely give no chance to hesitation, which is a feature purely human.

  2. This is a quite interesting invention and topic. I agree with Matias in the sense that machines are more precise than humans sometimes. I would also like to add that it may have a heavy influence on operations because they may help doctors who have "trembling" hands. Nevertheless, I do not think that these machines will replace doctors; on the contrary, they will aid surgeons in the process, but the decisions about where to manipulate the body will depend on the doctor.


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