Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Capitalism on Mars

The robot rover Curiosity has landed on Mars and started wandering in search for a sample of a rock, which is believed, asserts the possibility for humans to live there. I think it not only means only a breakthrough in science and progress and a discovery that its working would have people live in another planet in the future, but also another example of discovery and conquer, characteristic of certain cultures, and of course, the United States of North America.

Replay what you all have seen or heard. Bush’s America was the scenario for a not-supported war against Iraq, being its cause a heap of suppositions and claims without evidence. It is believed that the United States’ authorities were behind a whole conspiracy in order to start a war. What for? Petroleum and gas, resources Iraq possesses.

Latin American history: Brazil and Chile. Natives saw strangers come to their lands and although they were not violently received, a massive killing was unleashed. This invasion from Portuguese people on 1500 almost caused the total losing of the native culture, being their language the most affected feature and the invasion from Spanish people on former Mapuche soil are examples of discovery and conquer.

Capitalism and power: bad combination.

The purpose of the rover is to set the trail for further investigations regarding spaces where to live. But, will we stop fighting for soil if samples are good enough? What are we going to do right after? 

Where will "curiosity" take us to?


  1. First of all, I´d like to say that it is difficult to talk about capitalism if we don´t know whether there is life in other planets or not; however, I'm absolutely believe that we can't think we are the only species of the Universe. Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence to prove it in a hundred percent of asertivity. I think that is important to know what happens around our world; the thing is to respect other kinds of beings, if there is any. Otherwise, we would become enemy of species we dont know. To sum up, scientists could keep on searching for elements in Mars as long as they do it carefully and respectfully, couldn´t they?

    1. Totally agreeing. If scientists discover something which proves to be a breakthrough of a thing worth of a series of episodes of Natural Geographic, Discovery channel or whatever, that's fine. But we are humans, and we have the tendency to dominate and conquer as much as possible. That's why capitalism is gaining territory where it has no apparent competence: in space.

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