Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mates for life

Spring is coming! Everything we can hear is "love, love, love". We can see couples in the streets, parks, and even in our campus. But are we the only ones who experiment this "special" feeling? What about the animals?

Some biologists found out that not only turtledoves stay together for a long time, as the twelve days of christmass tale told us. There are some extraordinary animals' lifestyles that have inspired our culture through time.

A clear example of this are swans. As we all have watched in movies, they are always the symbols of pure and eternal love. This is consequence of their monogamy. Swans stay with the same partner for almost all their lifetime. Even in some cases they even comite suicide when their lover dies.

Birds aren't the only one faithful specie. Wolves are always related to the concept of betray and coldness. Which it is not closed to what their family's lifestyle is about. They stay in groups called packs that consist in a male and female and their offspring. It's very similar to how families are made in our society but their relationship is even more stable than a lot of humans have.

Maybe love is not a concept well-known by the animal kind but they are able to have a faithful and long term relationship. Do you know some other examples? Would you call their bounds “love”?



  1. i have heard that pinguins also have a mate for life and i don't think that these animals are that loyal just for instinct, there must be something more powerful than that, maybe love. besides, human relationships used to last longer before, it was more common to see a marriage growing old together than couples these days, so i think that society has ruined this, thing that hasn't happened in the animal kingdom.

  2. Just like you, I always believed that some animals are chosen to be together forever, but after reading your entry, I read an article about monogamy and there I found out that even when some animals (most of them mammals) are known for having just one partner for a lifetime, those relationships do not include sexual exclusivity; in fact, according to genetic tests, 20% of the offspring may be from a different partner (swans too!). Even though this behavior is not for pleasure, there is no prove that eternal and exclusive love exists, at least in the Animal Kingdom. Unfortunately, all bright side has darkness behind.

  3. Oh thanks Catalina :) I didn't know about pinguins!

    Daniela, well I think that happens mostly because of their instinct. which is the main different between animals and us. We can control ourself (our animal dimension). But really interesting what you pointed out, I'm glad that you liked my entry to the point that you did your own research about the topic.

  4. It's amazing that even animals can acquire faith better than most of humans. I admire the steady relationships they can create with each other. I can support your statement with my experience with my couple of birds that i had when I was a child, they lived together for more than 2 years, until the female got severely ill. Finally she died, and less than a week after of that sad episode, it happened the same with the male. =/

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. After reading this, I thought: Oh! Maybe I am not as romantic as other people, because I cannot notice the environment of love during this spring season. Although, I believe most of human beings relate this idea that everything is kind and beautiful, because trees are greener than ever and flowers flourish showing their splendor better than in any season of the year.
    Apart from that, I have to say that I really admire how pure animal love can be sometimes. It teaches us that with only little things you can be happy, as they seem to be. Animal couples have to each other and they do not need anything else. I wish I could say the same from us, but our life is totally different so I do not think we will be able to have that innocence animals have.
    Finally, I would like to add that I also knew what Catalina mentioned before. Once, I watched a documental on Television which explained that penguins have a mate for life. They are usually very romantic and despite the fact they live mostly in the coldest place in the world, they show a really warm love from each other. So cute. Isn´t it?


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