Thursday, September 27, 2012

Choosing your baby’s sex: Unnatural selection

Can you imagine choosing your baby’s sex by just taking a pill with nanotechnology able to genetically change a fetus’s sex?

 For centuries human beings have dreamt of manipulating the results of the genetic gamble in the moment of conception, and often choosing the sex of the baby is on the top of the list of things to do.  In fact recent studies have found that this is viable.

These methods were discovered by accident trying to improve pre-existing methods of treating infertility. Some of these methods are very invasive, and the couples need to start the procedure in laboratories (in vitro). Then the egg that is fertilized is put in the mother’s uterus, and voilá, your boy or girl baby is on its way!.

Of course, these kinds of practices open the debate about the moral boundaries of biotechnology and how to control it. Some detractors think that we have to maintain the natural selection of the babies because if we start manipulating the natural course of life it will break the amazing opportunities that it can offer us; trying to limit life’s mysteries can lead us to our own destruction.
Some believers in this method said that these kind of techniques can prevent abortion in some countries such as China, in which abortion conditioned by sex it is legal.

Are you willing to change the natural sex of your baby, why?

More information about this : 

You can read an article from CBS News here :

Choose The Sex Of Your Baby By Rebecca Leung, CBS News

1 comment:

  1. I would definetly pick the sex of my baby by taking the pill. Personally I don't think that there is any problem with it because it all has it's balance and as I might choose a girl some other couple may chose a boy. So the oportunities that nature give us wouldn't be affected. I think that is an amazing oportunity for those couples that are looking forward to have a boy/girl and the mother nature gives them a baby of the contrary sex.


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