Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Daniela Carez & Felipe Gaete OP


The current methods to diagnose illnesses and viruses are expensive and not reliable enough since they requiere sophistecated equipments, and specific conditions to be perfom (sample quantity and temperature). A research conducted this year developed a new and revolutionary method that would substituted the conventional test: Plasmonic ELIZA. 

Watch our presentation and be aware of the new developments that this field brings!!!


  1. My first impression was: wow! It is amazing to see how medicine and science have advanced together and have worked very well for people's benefit. Cancer and HIV virus are at the top, nowadays they are very common. Finding the detection of these diseases and virus at an early-stage is good because people can treat them as soon as they can. When people die from Cancer is because it is already too late; on the contrary, if they have the chance to be under a medical treatment, they can get better in time. Obviously, this is not a miracle; this doesn't talk about a cure but about prevention and to be two steps ahead in order to take care of. Needless to say that media is not as reliable as it should be. Publishing fake figures, not mentioning the sample donors, and saying that it is ready to use, the real research lose 'power' because it is distorted. In fact, I think that media should be more trustful, even though they are skipping or 'forgetting' little details; they are still important and relevant for the investigations. But, apart from that, this naked eye is very useful for people, and fair for them because it is cheaper and more accessible than other methods.

  2. Nice, useful, and helps to raise hope too.

    I could find no details to criticize but one; It helps low income hospitals to save money on expensive equipment, but does it mean that they will have what the person requires to be cured? it is only a diagnostic, not a curing machine.

    Anyways, I'm impressed by such a huge breakthrough in science as this one is. It'd be great if people could find a cure for any disease.

    1. You are right, but at least they can detect terrible viruses like HIV at early stages, which will help patients to start the tratment at the beggining and may increase their life expectancy :)

  3. It is an interesting topic guys!
    I think that if you´ve got a serious disease, receiving a diagnosis at an early stage is one of the most important steps of the process.
    having the chance to receive an appropiate treatment is a priceless benefit. I mean, It is like buying time!
    It is a great research the one you chose, and I think it great in many ways because, as you said, it is cheap reliable and effective!


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