Monday, October 15, 2012

Is it really difficult to stop smoking?

    Have you heard people say, "It is so difficult for me to stop smoking" and "I can't stand being without smoking"? Everyone knows that cigarette smoking is terrible for our health. Everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema, bronchitis, vascular disease, cataracts, impotence, and other health problems. But, the nicotine-mediated stimulates and regulates the ultimate feel-good chemical in the brain making smoking an addictive bad habit. 
    Today, a new way to kick the habit has been given by a group of scientists. When compared to the nicotine vapor delivery system used in the Nicotrol/Nicorette inhaler, the new technology proved more effective at delivering nicotine to the blood stream. As a result, it provides immediate relief of withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, users reported the new nicotine delivery methods were more tolerable than the current inhaler because it caused less throat irritation. Researchers from the Duke University Medical Center wanted to replicate the experience of smoking without incurring the dangers associated with cigarettes, and they wanted to do so more effectively than the nicotine replacement therapies currently on the market. The Nicotrol inhaler is a smoking cessation therapy that delivers nicotine vapor to the mouth and upper airways, but little of it reaches the lungs.  
    Duke's new technology combines the vapor phase of pyruvic acid, which occur naturally in the body, and nicotine. When the two vapors combine, they form a salt called nicotine pyruvate. This reaction transforms invisible gas vapors into a cloud of microscopic particles which is inhaled, just like a smoker inhales from a cigarette. The Nicotrol is able to give smokers more nicotine - less than a cigarette- with less irritation, resulting in reduced craving. A therapeutic effect with greater tolerability can be achieved. This new system may one day prove useful for delivery of other medications. Technology and science are still working for us, for our benefit. The video attached is explaining much more this research. 
    We have a plenty of help to give up smoking, but will we do it? Why are cigarette so attractive for people? Is it just because it gives you good feelings or is it because your groups of friends smoke? Why do people continue smoking if it is so harmful? 

1 comment:

  1. Sugar causes diabetes, salt increases your blood pressure, eggs and meat are bad for your choresterol... as you see everything is bad for our health. I knew an uncle who never smoke, and he died from cancer, so smoking might cause cances as driving might cause car accidents... I started to smoke because it was forbiden, and I still smoke because I am use to do it, just that.


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