Saturday, October 13, 2012

Stop feeling lonely, now facebook can hug you!

As you just read it, besides sharing photos and chatting with your friends now you can receive hugs from them as well. This will be possible thanks to a wearable social media vest called "Like-A-Hug" designed by Massachussets Institute of Technology scientists whose aim is to mimick the sensation of a warm hug by inflating everytime you Facebook friends "Like" any of your post.
here there is a picture of the vest, as you can see it looks like a tight-fitting black bodywarmer

In the designer Melisa Chow's website says that with this you can  “feel the warmth, encouragement, support or love that we feel when we receive hugs,” and you can even return the hugs by deflating the vest by wraping your arms around the shoulders, in others words, by hugging yourself.
The designers declared that they had the idea of the concept after a casual conversation about long distance relationships and the limitations of video chat when they came up with the idea of this vest.
As the video demo describes this vest would make possible to express feelings and that's the reason why this invention has received different reactions. Some say that Like-A-Hug put a tangible feeling to your click and ask themselves how long it will take for this to become a best-seller while others think that this is a useless object because a real hug can't be replaced and this would only separate us even more.
This is may a good idea, but it is definitely not the same, not all hugs are the same, they are different  depending of the situation and the person who gives it to you.
Do you think that this will become popular and eventually we all will have our own vests? Would you use one?
Finally here is a video of Seinfeld explaining in a comic way how we sometimes prefer to communicate with technology rather than personally.

1 comment:

  1. uff!! from my point of view,this is a very controversial topic because I really enjoy chatting and sharing with my friends on facebook, but this is becoming and addiction for most of us. Interpersonal relations must include face to face interactions, so if now we can hug people from the computer this neccesary physical interaction becomes more and more uncommon. I personally use a lot of technology but I don't think I would use this vest because I prefer hugging my friends and family in real life not through the computer.


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