Thursday, October 4, 2012

Technological progress…?

Nowadays, the speed of the technological progress is amazing. We are not walking towards the future, we are running towards it! Progresses in storage, electronic, and communication technology happened very fast during the last half century, and they have been even faster during the last few years. This reality makes me wonder lots of questions and after answering them, I don´t think we need to progress that fast and I am not very sure if this is “to progress.”

Since the very first advances in technology started to be sold, the industry of technology begun to increase and accelerate its production in order to sell as much “progress” as possible. Selling became the most important goal of this industry. For example, first cell phones were created, obviously, to make and receive phone calls, then they were able to create text messages, cameras started to be included in cell phones too, radios, lanterns, Bluetooth, calculators, games, internet, wi-fi and so on and so forth. But, are all of these things necessary in a cell phone? I don´t think so. 
When I look back to the past and then I try to understand the present, I see that this is the result of the “snowball effect” under which the technological industry has been working. They have been working on a kind of progress that we don´t need at all.
I would say that what we need instead is a better kind progress. One that comes together with the necessities of the world instead of one that comes to create necessities in the world. So please, don´t take wrong,          I don´t mean that progress is bad. I am saying that I would prefer a different progress. Or at least, I would like to know where we are going to with this “progress.”
What do you think about the reality of the technological industry? Do you think they are doing it well? If not, who is to blame, the industry or the people who keep on buying? 

1 comment:

  1. Nicolas, I found your entry really interesting since in a way you are showing us that the technological industries are not working to fulfil our need but the ones they want to impose us to increase their profit.
    Another trick of this industry has to do with the fact that they create appliances with a clear expiry date so that we will have to buy a new one in the future.


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