Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You'd better work it out!

Summer is closer and for some people that is a strong reason to sign up in a gym, or simply to put into diet and to do some  exercises by their own.
Some scientists at the University of Glasgow have been tried to figured out if there is a difference when you work out before breakfast or after of it.
When I read this article, I remember a discussion with my brother about this topic, and I told him: “I consider that eating first and then working out; it will mean that you will burn some calories that you just have ingested”. Now, after reading the article, there’s a chance that I was wrong.

According to the scientific article, the study was conducted in ten overweight-not regular exerciser men. Each man was under three trials for 1-2 weeks: no exercise then eating breakfast; walking briskly for an hour before eating breakfast; and doing the walk after eating breakfast.
The results were: 49kcal unburnt fat without exercise; 216kcal when they exercise after breakfast; and 298kcal when the group exercises before breakfast.

 As you can see, both trial including exercises were fat burning, but before the breakfast was greater. Even though, the premise is to work out, no matter if you do it before your first meal of the day, or after. Doctors and the scientific community encourage people to exercise due to the high level of obesity around the world.

It’s important to mention that to have a good diet and a routine to working out is not related just to aesthetic parameters, but to health. We as future teachers need to be aware of it, for instance, as teachers we will spend most of the time stand up, and that will affect our legs –especially the circulatory system. No matter what kind of routine you decide to follow, as long as you keep working out! 

Do you think this investigation is transcendental? (consider the number of participants on it).
If you have been under diet and working out plan, have you noticed a difference if you exercise before a meal or after of it?.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Actually, I always wondered about it and now I have my answer. Last year I joined a gym very good, but very expensive. However, I wanted to look good when the summer arrived.
    In my case, I really noticed the difference when I exercise before a meal or after of it. I could never do well in the gym when I had to exercise before I eat. My body felt tired and at some point I felt that I would faint.That is why I always went in the morning after having breakfast.
    Now that I read this, my opinion could change, but not. I think it is better to eat first before going to the gym otherwise, it could be very dangerous. I prefer that, before risking my health.

  3. i agree with Catalina, it's true that you burn more calories from fat when you exercise before eating, but it is also very exhausting and you are more prone to feel sick and finally you will give up of exercising at all; At the end, what matters is to do some kind of activity. I think that this investigation is trascendental, specially when obesity is a worlwide problem.

  4. That's why I was pointing out the number of people involved in the experiment (just 10!), and we all know that every person is different. I remember when I was a kid and I jogged before breakfast, then I just fainted.
    As Catalina Fernandez said, what matters is to do some kinf of activity. I think that this investigation was orientated to those who want to burn more calories from fat right away.

  5. Inmediately, I made a pause in reading this entry to take a look at the article you provide here. I realized the web page was the same as the one with my classmate Catalina Leiva investigated for our “OP”. Of course I thought : “ I cannot trust this information , the people who created it might have changed some important aspects of the real study in this context”. So, I looked up for another study and it said something pretty similar, “” said you actually burn more calories before breakfast instead of eating first and then running or walking briskly. Unfortunately, they just explained the amount of people involved, (twenty-eight) and the results they got doing this.
    In my opinion, I think it depends on the metabolism each person has, involving also how much a person weights and the intensity of the exercise made in a determined period of time. For example, I think I would not get as exhausted - after running an hour without eating my first meal- as my sister would feel; the reason is very simple: she is extremely thin and it would be easy for her to faint, not as it would happen to me, because I have run and I have got very tired but I think my weight as being “normal” for me, does not let me get deadbeat. We are in very different conditions, therefore the reactions will be completely different too.

  6. Exactly, as I said before: every person is different; in terms of metabolism, genetic and some other factors that I don't know (because I'm not an expert), but still we can't tell that this "experiment" has something weird. It catches our attention, so accomplishes its purpose: now, we remember how important is to have an exercise routine, and especially, we as future teachers.


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