Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Planned obsolescence: technological product with an expiry date

From Industrial Revolution, technology has not ceased its evolution. And as the time goes by, this process is getting faster and faster that manufacturer companies are in the need of launching newer and improved versions of their products in short span. Sometimes, it responds to real needs or just caprices of consumers.

Unfortunately, in most of the cases, we have to change our appliances due to their technical failure and the high cost of their repair. In a way, it forces us to buy new ones.

Before watching the documentary The Light bulb Conspiracy - Planned obsolescence , I naively  beloved the fact that the life time of computers, cell phones, and electronic devices in general depended on how well we manipulated them, but it was a great fallacy; it does not mind if you are careful or not since it is a matter of design. In fact, in the video, it is explained that companies like Phillips asked their engineers to design their products so that they fail in a specific amount of time with the aim of keeping economy working well.

Now all makes sense; it was obvious: if they launched high-quality goods, people would stop buying, and industries would lose many millions of dollars yearly as a consequence of that.

On the other hand, those blamed for this legal rob defend themselves arguing that they do it with an altruistic purpose: to avoid a worldwide economic depression. However, for me, it is just a communication discourse that businessmen use to keep people in silence and be able to continue with their profit.

What do you think regarding this issue? is it an economic strategy or a fraud?

If you want to learn more about this controversial topic, click here.


  1. This has happened to me several times, it's really frustrating! Even though these technological devices are not so important in life, you buy a product thinking that it will work without problems, but it's all the way around. I strongly think that is a economic strategy for them to grow as faster as they can at the expense of others. They make us spend more money on the product. But, we should be aware of that, and try to pay attention to those companies that have this strategy. Of course, if we buy, the country and companies become richer, but they are taking advantage of us and our ignorance atsome point. That's why we have to be updated with the topic because it directly affects us.

    1. I agree with you, Natalyn, that it id essential that people get informed about this topic since it is happening to us all the time when we decide to buy a technological device, even a light bulb. So I recommend you to google a documentary called planned obsolescence. There, it is explained in more detail how this economic strategy works and which are the companies that accept to be involved in this matter.


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