Friday, October 5, 2012

5 things that, strangely, make people happy

Happiness is a state of mind that all human beings want to reach. Nowadays, it has become one of the most successful businesses in the recent years. Books, drugs, therapies, magazines, courses, etc., are part of the paraphernalia that surrounds happiness. There are certain activities that are known that they are "bad" for humans, can, paradoxically, improve quality of life.

Yesterday, I read in an article that there are five things that are weird, but make people happy and I want to share them with you.

1. To watch a sad movie.

According to a studio, the brains of the people who watch a movie where there is a lot of drama in it, unconsciously, compares their own lives with the character’s lives, and realized that their lives are fine. They start to see life in a different way. For instance, Million Dollar Babby.


2. Eating red meat.
Australian scientists did a study that analyzed the eating habits of a thousand women. Those who ate the recommended amount of red meat reported higher levels of optimism compared to those who consumed less or nothing. This is because high levels of Omega-3 that this food has. Red meat improves due mood and prevents various mental illnesses such as depression and senile dementia.

3. Fighting.

In a study, scientists experimented with mice the relationship between aggression and happiness. For this, they placed one female and one male mouse in a cage. Time after cohabitation, the scientists replaced the female by a male intruder. After several minutes, the intruder began attacking. After several repetitions, the researchers injected the male mouse a suppressor of dopamine. A few minutes later, the mouse decided to move away and began to have peace-related behaviors, while the intruder is noticed more agitated, or what could be translated in other words, more "happy", product of dopamine, also called "hormone of happiness".

4. Traveling by subway.
Researchers in Sweden recruited a group of volunteers for a study that in which they would have to travel by subway several times a month. At the beginning of the research, participants were asked about their mood and emotional. As the investigation progressed, scientists were collecting data on happiness. When the study finishes, volunteers reported higher levels of happiness compared to the first records. According to scientists, this is because the routine vary or breaking is favorable for sanity.

5. Thinking about death.

According to a study conducted near to a cemetery and the surrounding streets, a man pretending to throw their belongings. The number of people who were walking near the cemetery and helped the man to pick up his things, was higher compared to those traveling along streets near the cemetery. This is because, unconsciously, death sensitizes people about feelings related to charity and the common good.

I consider this amazing, because I never thought that these five actions could make people happy. Where do you think you can find happiness? Do you think that you could find it in doing these five things?

1 comment:

  1. I think that in Chile taking a metro is not such a good alternative to make people happy...
    Some of the things that make me feel happy are really simple, just eating tasty food ( mostly junk) or playing soccer well, things like that. Anyway, I am not pretty that it can be happiness or just a placebo, given that I think that happines is more an steady state of mind than just a vague emotion for doing something in specific.


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