Artificial Intelligence is one of the most used motives in Sci-Fi movies
(my second favorite genre after thrillers), and in almost every film, A.I. brings
with dangerous and lethal consequences that should warn us and convince us to
not implement total A.I. in the near future. But scientists just don’t get it.
I’m not saying that robots are or will be useless, I’m just stating that
if mankind is not able to control itself or to ensure a decent life for
everybody, the Artificial Intelligence aspirations should wait a little bit
longer. Every year the fear for an oncoming World War 3 grows: oil, water,
religion, politics, racism, territory, the reasons that may produce a global conflict
go on and on, and if a so powerful technology as a robot that can think,
analyze, and make decisions independently is used to assault and kill; well, I
believe that we can start saying goodbye to our freedom. But the worst part is
that scientists just don’t get it.
They keep doing their research and testing their dancing robots, like if
all human problems were solved,
there’s too much people dying of hunger in Africa, there’s too much people that
doesn’t own anything because a filthy government or thievish bank has taken
every penny they had earned with the sweat of their forehead and the blood of
their backs. So start worrying about some robots that –let’s face it- are going
to be owned only for wealthy people in the north part of the world, it seems to
be a little rushed.
The first of the Three Laws of Robotic,
redacted by the marvelous writer Isaac Asimov, states that a robot may not injure a
human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. If
our governments, our police force, our leaders, and even ourselves can’t understand
and respect that rule, we are just don’t ready for A.I.
As you said, there are many other more important issues to worry about than robots. Its kind of silly to spend money on useless proyects that wont be helpful to people.