Friday, October 26, 2012

Nails of Tomorrow

   The space race has brought thousands of invention to our daily life as a direct consequence from developing technology to reach the outer space. Written pieces of literacy like Jules Verne’s Sci-fi books inspired the first pioneers, and now Sci-fi films inspire the new ones. Every book or films base on the space show us spaceships, space fighters and laser guns to blow up your enemy; however, the idea of a space community has been usually highlighted thinking about the environmental problems that our planet would suffer in the future. Can you figure out how the engineers would assemble those space buildings? ...Bolts? Nails? Glue? The answer is easier than you think, Superconductivity

   Yes, Superconductivity. Well, maybe will sound quite familiar the term of cold fusion, which is a scientific procedure to obtain some derivate from nuclear reaction, superconductivity is quite similar. Having considered the basic principles of magnetic fields and electrical resistance, certain metals (superconductors) under critical temperatures are able to levitate from another superconductor, just by being set it at that distance; more important, it keep its place no matter how the strength you use to take it away. 

   The levitation of superconductors or Quantum Levitation (QL) is a phenomenon well-known from hundred years ago, but lack of technology and resources had stopped its development up to now; Through QL houses affected by hurricanes will resist with minor damages; perhaps could be the key to build spaceships or space colonies buildings in the outer space. Can you imagine that? Would you live a house whose walls are held just by magnetism?

 Check this video out about Quantum Levitation:          


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