Thursday, October 4, 2012

From rough machines to a piece of Art

Marinetty, Founder of the Futurism.
Technology and its advances are not only matter of Science and Math; in fact, during the early XX Century, an Italian poet named Filippo Tomasso Marinetti, published a Manifesto defending the qualities of the progress and announcing an artistic, social and literary movement based on this field: the Futurism had appeared.
The first idea that comes to my mind when I see the word futurism is an old cartoon called "The Jetsons" (I guess most of you remember it); anyway, this movement is much more than flying vehicles and odd clothes; it is about machines, speed, pollution, big cities, CHANGE! Futurists rejected the past and tradition, basing their beliefs on the new world full of inventions and alternatives. They tried to reflect the dynamic movement of the world in their masterpieces, incorporating bright new colors and techniques to their work.
We can say that modern chauvinists who believe women and technology are not compatible were born during this period since they loved sports, violence and war as a possibility to confirm the power of the machines and its energy. In any case, these men transformed the society and incorporated their thoughts to arts, literature, music and politics, being  members of the National Fascist Party since they were pationated Nationalists.

What do you think about creating something as beautiful as these pieces of arts using machines as a source of inspiration?  

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting the way how the future inspired us; according to the postmodern movement--in this case, the present--has come to a state of no progress (pollution, big cities, consumerism, etc). Reality is just a social construct, that can be change whenever you want.
    We can find Postmodernism expressed in different disciplines: Architecture, with the buildings called as known as "Malls". Literature and art.
    I loved your topic, I hope you find interesting postmodernism.


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