Thursday, October 18, 2012

Endangered bees!

    Our daily life depends on cell phones. We love them; actually, some of us cannot live without them. It is sure... they take an important part in our entire life. Nevertheless, while we are happy using them, environment has been hugely affected. Radiation can be dangerous for people as it can be for insects such as bees. 

    Scientists may have found the cause of the world's sudden dwindling population of bees. This research has shown tha the signal from cell phones not only confuses bees, but also may lead to their death. Bees sense the signals transmitted when the phones ring, and emit heavy buzzing noise during the calls ( as you can see in the picture). The calls act as an instinctive warning to leave the hive, but the frequency confuses the bees, causing them to fly erratically. In fact, the bees' buzzing noise increases ten times when a cell phone is ringing or making a call. The signals cause the bees to become lost and disoriented. The bees then die off, because they are not able to do their normal activities. This premature dying off of the bees causes the fruits and vegetables to not grow as normal, simply because pollination does not occur. This affects the harvest, which can have a significant impact upon the world's food stores now and in the future. In this webpage you can get informed about the enormous importance of bees in the ecosystem. 

    Mobile radiation effects can include loss of food crops and can decrease the food for animals that are used for meat, including cows, chickens, and more. This is worrisome! simply because we are not completely sure what the long-term effect may be. It should be something that needs to be carefully monitored to help determining if there is anything that can be done to decrease the dying off of bees to keep crops growing and the harvest strong. We know that cell phones may be convenient for people of all ages and sexes, but the long term effects may be difficult to live with. When will people be aware of this issue? Will be possible to take actions to stop this before it is too late?  Is technology indeed more important than nature, life, and earth?


  1. The first time i heard about the bees dying off was in the movie "the happening" where it's a signal of the end of the world, obviously took a fantastic twist, maybe the world won't end because of this, but our life quality will be affected, humans are forgetting that we're are not the only living creatures in the world.

    here is the trailer that mentions the problem with the bees

  2. Bees are really important, and as you mentioned, there must be some policy that regulates the level of sound waves (Hz) that are affecting these little animals. I think it is a matter of culture; we do not measure the importance of every single living creature on our Earth and its role in the alimentary (or food) chain. However, technology is at the top of our priorities, and unfortunately, we can't put this at a lower level. Besides, it is difficult to compare technology and nature given that bees are not that important for us, unless we read your entry. Personally, I didn't know that a simple process as pollination can change/increase or decrease the whole harvest and therefore, our life. But again, big corporations won't do anything to stop this; they can't compare technology to bees.

    1. I completely agree with you. It is difficult, for people technology is much more important than insects, but they don't know how nature can be affected by it. I don't like to be negative, but I think that it is a matter of time: when we're experimenting by ourselves the consequences of technology in our lives, it will be too late to change the situation, the damage will be already done. It is a pity, at least for me, how humans are destroying our own home, the earth. I wish people were aware of this and took a good care of nature.


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