Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elixir of life: Immortality in our hands

Immortality doesn’t seem to be so far away. This concept of a substance that can make you live forever, comes from alchemists, the fathers of nowadays scientists. But no one have ever found the “philosopher’s stone”, till now.
Some scientists from Nazarbayev University in the capital, Astana, have been asked to develop a drink, similar to a yogurt, called “nar”. This idea came from their 72-year-old leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who has being reigning since 1990 and wants to keep doing it till 2020.

This drink is based on the idea that all the diseases are caused in the stomach. Apparently the digestive system has a hundred trillion microbes, which is ten times more the amount of the in the rest of our main organs. The mixture of this microbes causes diseases as diabetes, obesity and even cancer. Controlling them with special probiotics can be the answer to have a longer and healthier life.

Country rulers will always want to remind in power for a longer time, even queen Elizabeth is interested in this improvement.

This drink obviously won’t be sold on shops, but it has been already tested and openly presented in an international scientific conference at the beginning of this month, in the Nazarbayev University.

Did you know about microbes? Would you try “nar”? why? Do you think it’s ok for a country’s governator asked the scientific community to develop this kind of experiments?


  1. I dind´t know about this elixir. I heard that one way to prevent growing older was to inhibit the aging of a part of the chromosomes. Particularly, I wouldn´t try drinking the yogurt. It might sound weird, but I think that we enjoy our lives because we know that it will end someday.
    You dind´t talk about the cost, but I think that it wouldn´t be too cheap... Do you think that it would be fair for people with low incomes?? or what about overpopulation? I believe that there would have to be some way to control it.

    1. Actually it can't be launched because the gobernator of that country doesn't let scientist to do it. He wants to keep this secret for himself. Even if the scientific community knows about it, its owner is really jealous about it.

      Hopefully, someday we will have the chamce to drink it, maybe being inmortal is not the desire that everyone is keen on, but having a good quality life,specially in our last days on earth.

  2. People are always looking for immortality. In fact, science has increase life expectancy in over 80 years. I agree that the fact you know you are going to die make live worthy. Do you want to know the secret of immortality? PLANT A TREE; WRITE A BOOK; CREATE LIFE... that's all.
    BTW, I found that on Youtube and I thought it was hilarious: Enjoy it!


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