Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cancer: my inner friend.

What would you say if I told you thay everybody is equipped with cancer?

This is a question that everybody may know, but we do not want to think of. Cancer is not a germ neither  a parasite; this disease comes from our own body, our own organs and tissues, mainly created by our lungs, kidneys and brain.

We all know that our body grows and repare when it is necessary. Cells can divide themselves to fill the gaps  nedeed, but when these cells are damaged, our body is in charge of sweeping away these cells that are useless, because they die. The situation changes when these cells refuse to die and start doing copies of themselves, knowing that their DNA is damaged creatin the so-called tumors. When the tumor affects other body tissues, it is called malignat cancer.

One-third of the women and half of men in America get cancer in their lives, according to American Cancer Society various types of cancer lead the principal causes of dead in United States, like for example lungs, breast and colon. However, we have to have in mind that there are more factors that can affect our body to make it easier for cancer to develop: culture and biology. When cancer start striking in a more massive way, is when people, biologicaly past the childbearing years. According to the SEER (Surveillance Epidemiology and End Result) elderly people are the most affected by cancer: for every 100.000 people over 75 years old; 2.272 were diagnosed with cancer in 2011.

Everytime we think about cancer, we think in something negative, but can we take something positive from this disease? Of course!. People who have genes that carry a predisposition for cancer allow the body to activate the process of repearing damaged tissues and, believe it or not, keeps our body young.

All the negatives aspect that this disease brings to our lives, makes us think that our lives are near to an end, but certainly, presdisposition to cancer brings some positive things as I said before, what do you think about the last paragraph of this work, is it true or not? you decide.

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