Monday, November 12, 2012

the queer gene... just a myth?

Born gay or made gay? That’s the question which divides society since the late 80’s, when homosexuality was removed from Mental Disease List, being considered as sexual option by many scientist, so it has no place in medicine field. Almost 20 years later, DNA studies started to demonstrate that the gay gene is real, so being gay seems to be not just an option (but it is definitely not a disease!). 

Gay people—and Lady Gaga—claim that they were born that way, implying that sexual orientation is an innate condition, biologically determined by genes in our DNA, and social or familiar influences have little or no impact in who you fall in love. Anthony Bogaert, a psychologist at Brock University in Canada postulates that the more older brothers a man has, more likely that that man would be gay. It’s explained because mother’s womb tends to reject male fetus, so   her organism “feminize” the future baby adding female hormones to avoid abortion.  Another important fact that might prove that being gay is something genetic is that if one identical twin is gay, the other one has more than 50% of possibilities of being also gay.

As you could see, the saying “gay from the crib” is not mistaken at all, and in the following two videos the previous ideas are going to explain in deep.

After having watched both videos, do you believe that some people were born gay or they made gay? If you could remove “the gay gene” from your future child, do you do it? If being gay is not an option, is correct to deny gay people basic rights as marriage or adoption?


  1. I agree with you that there may be a gay gene in our DNA, because of General Gay's features. Most of the gays I know, they are more sensitive, they have a similar expression in their eyes and mouth. Also, most of them like the same kind of music !!! among other things that would prove that the gay gene exists. Good topic to be developed Ramon =)

    1. I also wonder why gay people love the same kind of music.

  2. On May 17th, 1980, the World Health Organization eleminated homosexuality from the list of mental diseases, but in nowadays, there are 85 countries arround the world that penaliza with jail or death the sexual intercourse between (among) same sex people.

  3. This is such an interesting topic. I think it is possible for this gene to exist, but I wouldn't say that other factors don't affect at all. In the end we are all human beings and things that happen to us make us who we are as well. It is not all about genes.

    I don't agree with the people that consider homosexuality a problem, I think that we all are different and we all have the right to love whoever we want.

    With this gene there might be more possibilities of you being gay, but as I said, a gene does not determine who I am and the decisions I make. We all have the right to be exactly who we want to be.


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