Thursday, November 15, 2012


Regarding the extended period I’ve been alone—I split up with someone a couple of years ago and since then I’ve never dated nobody in a formal way--I’ve decided to do something about it in order change my love life situation, which has always been a complete disaster, I must say. For that reason, my mom—the greatest heroine of all times—has encouraged me to try with alternative medicine—Yes, again!— to improve my physical appearance and see if someone become interested in me…again. 

Needless to say, my mother has always been used to try with alternative medicine in order to provide a solution to everything since she had been taught to do it by my grandmother when she was a child. As they lived in the farm, they used to be surrounded by different kinds of herbs, flowers and thousands of thousands of trees. But, as my mom told me, there was one among all of these species that had some secret healing and beauty properties I find very interesting to share with you—just in case you attempt to find someone as I do!

According to some researches, SANGUINARIA (Bloodroot), the name in Spanish of this herb, grows in the spring and summer months, producing a red sap that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It affects, chiefly, the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract. It has also marked vaso-motor disturbances, as seen in the circumscribed redness of the cheeks, flashes of heat, determination of blood to head and chest, distention of temporal veins, burning in palms and soles, and has been found very applicable to climacteric disorders.

Taking into account my mom’s opinion, she also sustains that if someone made a mix of SANGUINARIA with other herbs, it would be a very effective laxative—I really have a strong possibility to lose weight! Moreover, there is a component inside of its leaves which provides a significant amount of antimicrobial activity and may be an ingredient in some herbal toothpastes and mouth rinses—Now I understand why I have white teeth and a shiny smile!

Let’s see if someone could resist to my new sex-appeal after taking it for a while!

Have a look on this video and see how the real herb looks like! 

Would you try to take this herb? Do you like some of the properties it's got?

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