Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The brain's power to modify our genes !

What if I say that your DNA does not choose your destiny? or If  I say that just you have the power to choose your future, genetically speaking.
That assumption "knocks down " the idea that people are born with  non alterable genetic information. That means that our destiny is not in our DNA information, indeed,  our DNA and destiny can be modified just with our brains...
Scientific researchs have demonstrated that from 87% to 98 % of the mental and physical illnesses come from our thoughts instead  of a single gene because, genes acts together to produce effects on us, rejecting the idea that there is just one specific gene which causes a specific illness.
Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions can determine our brain given that they stimulate the creation of new thoughts networks, which can lead into the stimulation of genes. Those genes are always charged by what we think, feel, or even the environment in which we are involved. Those emotions and thoughts can have a strong impact on us, given that they can provoke a specific illness, or  can make you feel as healthier as a 15 year old teenager. It just depends on your thinking and emotional "habits". The more positive you think, the better you may feel.
For instance, it is proved that deppression can bring about other illnesses such as cancer or tumours. Also, stress can be related to cancer and heart attacks because it alters most of our organism's functions.
So, careful on what you think or feel.. You are the only one in charge of your emotions; you have the control of your body and even of your genes, so it is up to you to take advantage or accept the consequence of this amazing feature.
 Think positively and live happy ,the life is yours !
For further information visit Dr. Leaf's Blog

Find out the real power of our minds !


  1. What a refreshing entry! Actually, I have always thought that the power over our body is inside us. I have read a pair of books about metaphysics that allude the same topic that the research you have just mentioned. In my experience I would say that of course we are responsible for what happens to us. According to what I know, it`s true that negative vibes attract negative vibes. So, as you said: let`s think positively and be happy!

  2. I have always heard that our mind is the most powerful tool that humans can possess, even though we use only the 20 porcent of the brain. Evolution seems to be the solution for all our problems; imagine our brain evolve in the future, we will be able to cure ourselves only with the power of our brains, moreover, deseases will not be a problem for us anymore, they will not be part of our lives.
    But, life is not about being worried of what is going to happen in the future,or what kind of deseases we will be suffering;life is more about how we enjoy this precise moment we are living.

    1. Maybe the life is not about being worried, but it is really important to know about our potential as humans and to be aware that we are in charge of our destiny, we have the choice to decide whether being healthier or not. In order to avoid consequences that as humans are auto provoking.

  3. I share the idea of "control emotion". We, as human beings, should be able to react against negative feelings. We are capable to switch our state of mind in order to stop being under stress or mad at something. It seems simple to think that if we are sad we should not be alone and start listening depressing songs. Regrettably, we tend to do it, not everyone, but there are people who continue making themselves feeling bad, as they would love it .it means, in a certain way, they cannot control their steps and the brain controls their actions over and over again.
    This may be trivial for you, but it is not, because according to many researchers it is proved that our nervous system influences in causing several diseases, such as depression - the most common one- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or spastic colon, among others. Actually cancer may be caused by being constantly under stress.
    That is why it is extremely relevant to stop overreacting for unimportant things in life. Be happier and less sad. You can do it!


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