Friday, November 9, 2012

Trainning our brain

Nowadays, results of psychology and physiologic research combined with the most recent technology create new techniques to maximize our mental potential. One of those techniques is called:
Neurofeedback. This is a form of biofeedback which uses direct signals from the central nervous system. 

Neurofeedback works by transmitting information about the electrical behavior of the brain to a computer by placing surface electrodes on the scalp.  The information is processed into visual images and sounds to enable the person to get feedback and change his or her electrical response pattern, that is to say, to change his or her brainwaves without pain, medication, or other medical risks.  This phenomenal process allows us to obtain, after several training sessions, the regulation of the desired brain activity.
The most common use of Neurofeedback is in Attention Deficit Disorder, but it is also used to treat anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, headaches, migraines, impulsivity and addictions. The improvements that can be obtained through this therapy are various, such as:
• Increased concentration and sustained attention.
• Increased intelligence and creativity
• Improved memory, performance, and self control and self regulation
• Stress management.
• Improved performance.
• Decreased anxiety, among others.

Moreover, its treatment of symptoms without medication would lead to a long-term and sustained effect by operant conditioning with no unpleasant side effects since it is not an invasive therapy.
But, what about the disadvantages of this therapy? Despite the myriad potential benefits of the procedure,  Neurofeedback can also be very expensive since  it's still considered an experimental treatment by many insurance companies, sessions average anywhere from $50 to $100. Nor is the process quick and easy.  It is often very time-consuming, requiring that you commit to two sessions a week for 20 weeks for a total of 40 sessions.If you’re unlucky, you might need additional booster sessions from time to time during this period, therefore it could take months for the effects of neurofeedback to kick in.
If you take into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages,would you rather take the pills, or undergo this treatment?

I invite you to watch those videos and make your own opinion about this treatment


  1. This is a very interesting breakthrough!! Well, I'd heard about it because my father has a friend who was under this treatment for almost 7 or 8 months, he had a huge improvement in his mood and in his life. I remember he , before the neurofeedback treatment, was a very miserable man always negative, always in pain. But after it, he completely changed. Now he is very different and he is happy. Well, I can say that even though it is not so accessible for everyone because it is expensive, it is very useful, practical, and even safe. It can treat a lot of disorders that are difficult to overcome. It is a way to train the brain helping people to get rid of negative thoughts and to help keep the brain waves at a normal level. Neurofeedback gives people most of their life back. Although psychologists or even psychiatrists can help to treat depression, personality disorders, anxiety, concentration, eating and sleeping problems, etc. But they just treat them giving medication or some kind of drug; on the other hand, neurofeedback helps patients to get off their medications and control their brain and mind. At least for me, it is fascinating!

  2. I also think that this is a very useful treatment, especially because it’s not an invasive therapy. Think of children with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) who have to take stimulants (drugs) to correct the neurotransmitter imbalance that affects their brain wave activation patterns. Those medications work for a short period of time and sometimes it takes a long time for your body to get used to them and it is worse for children, since they don’t have the same resistances that an adult’s body has. What’s more, I found that a study published in the journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry shows data that indicate that stimulant medication decreases the height and weight of children. Therefore this procedure is additionally appealing since it does not have those side effects.

    Nevertheless, despite all of those benefits, there are also some disadvantages that have come up, for example, as you mentioned before, the cost, high costs are not always covered by health insurance. Another disadvantage is that it may take 30 or 40 treatments for fully effective results. I know that this is an expensive treatment, but this is because it is a field that is still not well explored, due to our scepticism of these kinds of procedures, and also because unfortunately our health is a big business for the drug companies. Can you imagine if these kinds of therapies start replacing the use of pills? This would lead to a battle between neurotech companies and drug companies. I did some research and I found out that the disadvantages of pills are huge in comparison with this treatment, for example:
    • Medication often needs to be taken for life
    • Medication is always to be taken at the same
    time of day, which can be difficult to remember
    • The effect is temporary
    • Rebound phenomena
    • Finding the appropriate medication can be
    a long process of trial and error
    • Many side effects, including addiction to medication,
    depression, the emergence of tics, cardiovascular
    problems, inhibition of growth and shrinkage of
    the brain.
    Therefore, what our society needs is to be more open to these kinds of treatments, we need to open our minds and to realize that technology is a great tool, and that is up to us whether it be used for good or ill.

  3. I like this treatment because people can actually make important changes in their lives in a natural process, whereby the medic is not altering your brainwaves but “redirecting” them to a wanted behavior. Regarding the treatment cost, I would say that it does not differ very much from a psychiatrist’s sessions, considering that it is unlikely for them to spend only a few sessions with little use of medicines. Still, I strongly believe that the treatment should be accompanied by psychological sessions to ensure the patient’s stability and other behavioral aspects.

  4. wooow! This is very interesting! Everything we can do to use more and in an better way our mental abilities sounds great! In fact, I have read that some areas of our brains and its functions are not very wellknown so it will be great to reach more advances in that area. I am not very keen on drugs because of the side effects that they can produce, so this treatment is a good option. I agree with Daniela when she says that technology is a useful tool, specially when it is used for these kinds of purposes.
    About the costs, I think that with time and with the speed technology is moving, the costs of these kinds of treatment will decrease. So let's wait and probably someday we will have the chance to give it a try!


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