Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Infrared nights

Have you ever asked yourself why the night sky is black? Well, what most of us may think is that, it happens because the sun’s light is not reaching our side of the world directly.

Sadly I have to tell you that’s not totally true. 

Our sky is blue during the day time because of the ozone in the atmosphere, but if we didn’t have it, we would see the space directly, like from the moon. Then, why is the universe dark?

If you look through a telescope the universe you will appreciate the light and starts from billions of years ago. You can even see the background light from the bigbang. Therefore, all the light from those “babies stars”, that now are 13 billion of years older should be seen by us every night including the bigbang background in the edge of the universe. Then, nights should be as brighter as sunlight.

Lately an astronomic research has showed that the universe expansion is not the only cause of this blackish night sky. The stars movements also make their light change into an infrared light, including the bigbang background radiation. This kind of light can’t be appreciated by human eyes.

What we can’t perceive by ourselves it’s really impressive, Did you know about this? Do you think that books should be changed? What else had been ignored by our none-complete sensorial system? 

(source: http://youtu.be/gxJ4M7tyLRE)

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