Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hand Is Back!!!

Nigel Ackland never imagined that one day he might lose one is his hands, until it happened. He was involved in an accident in his job that caused him severe injuries in his forearm. After having an elective trans-radial amputation he was able to use prosthetics. This passive prosthetics were made to purely cosmetic, so he couldn’t performed any hard work. One day a gift which would change his life came to his arm … a BeBionic hand. 

The “Luke arm” or “terminator’s hand” is no longer a science fiction idea, thanks to the BeBionic artificial Hand. BeBionic is a pioneer prosthetics company that have developed one of the most reliable and effective artificial hands using myoelectric features. Myoelectric devices use the electric properties of muscles, amplifying them to send electrical signals to a sensor which traduce them into patterns of movement; in this way the hand is capable to move by itself. After being calibrated, the hand is ready to perform about 20 different patterns of movement. In addition, the BeBionic hand provides the sensation of a real human hand because its design and the chance to use a “glove” that provides the sense of a real hand.      
The BeBionic Hand provides to arm disabled people to improve not only their life quality as any normal person, but also their self-esteem; however, this also would mean the social desire of a “status quo” in which the disabled people look like a different kind of people and trough this way we tend to reject their condition. Would you say it?   

 Check this patient demostration out:



  1. I don`t think that society would discriminated against people with the BeBionic Hand. It seems very "natural" in a way, Im saying this because I have seen people with hands implants that are like a hook (just like in pirates movies)and those people are not discriminated against. You only have to see what Teleton causes in society and how they are able to help those children. Little by little people are learning to stop discriminating against, at least in this terms.

  2. I think that the only problem that this bionic hand would have, would be the cost of the prosthesis. This new limb would bring a gap between those who have the money to buy the hand and those who are not able to purchase this mognificent work of ingineering.
    What about discrimination, I think people are more curious that discriminator, and as Constanza said before "little by little, people are learning to stop discriminating against"


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