Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stop McDonald's, eat an apple!

I remember several weeks ago when Miss Cárdenas was complaining about our habits regarding food (Chilean habits). She said that we eat too much bread or a lot of soda. It was funny for me in that moment but since that day I’ve been noticing what I eat and it really seems to be unhealthy.

“If I do not have time to cook I go to Mc Donald’s” “we run out of meat? Let’s eat sausages!” “Oh, I am hungry, a bread with manjar seems to be ok” These are our tipical responses to our feed issues, but it are enormously harmful for our health.

A recent study shows up that the 12.3% of Chilean people classifies themselves as someone that has no eating habits and don’t care about sports or food.
On the other hand around the 9% of the Chilean population defines themselves as concerned about food and sport issues even if there are a lot of obstacles in their way that make their propouse difficult to reach.
Meanwhile, the 32% of Chileans say that they do not care about this issues but they have all the sources to reach the goal of having a healthy life.
A “big” group of people that is the 27% of the country is concerned about them health and their food habits and THEY DO do something about it! Even if this group could be bigger, it is constantly increasing its size thanks to the government campaign called “Elige vivir sano” that promotes healthy life and encourages  the compsumtion of fruits and vegetables.
You have your health in your hands so, it is time to do something.
Do you care about you health? Can you stop eating junk food just to take care of yourself?

If you want more information about the "Elige vivir sano" program  click here and find out the benefits of each food.


  1. I believe that the program "Elige vivir sano" should be more focused on education. Education starts at home, so parents have to teach their children healthier habits. However, parents may be wasting their time if schools are still selling junk food. In my teaching practises, I have observed how students are used to buy and eat chips and chocolates during their breaks, apples and oranges are not very common.
    I believe that the change of eating habits has do be done in childhood, so we can grow up knowing how bad Mc Donalds is.

    1. I agree with you, Ado. There are some schools were is forbidden to sell junk food but there are many kids that buy food outside the schools. It is complicated to change a country's thinking, but every change has to start from the children that are the base of our society.

  2. "Everything good in life is either Illegal, Fattening, Immoral or Bad", so stop worrying about what you eat. I think the key is the quality of that you eat. Do you wanna eat some burgers? Buy some minced meat and make them yourself... It's healthier, cheaper and taster!

    1. Nice comment Ramon... I also think like you... amd I liked your quotation. What we like the most, it is illegal, fattening, inmoral or bad! Sometimes I prepare my own hamburgers, and it is great because you know how it was made, unlike in the fast food stores.
      However, I think that we should think of the fact that it very easier to go to McDonals and ask for what we want to eat, and that is a very powerful think, specially if we consider that they give toys as presents for children, lots of transgenics and, as if that weren´t enough, they have advertisements everywhere! So, I understand why do we keep on eating fast food... :/


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